Volunteering at Boys and Girls Club in Tustin, CA

Volunteering at Boys and Girls Club in Tustin, CA

This is a short video of the robotics workshop

This is the mobile application interface design, wireframing and prototyping workshop.

Following 8 months of volunteering at the Boys and Girls club in Tustin, teaching electronic circuits. robotics, entrepreneurship and mobile app design, I am working with the Head of the Technology Center. Today was my official welcoming announcement to 100+ kids and I was greeted with a the most amazing 15 second ovation.

I don't think I've ever had such a heartfelt experience in my entire educational or employment life and after 4 years of exploring my passions to get here, I now realize I'm in the right place. With the kids entrusting their faith in me, I am committed to delivering them on the promise that I will convert every one of them into entrepreneurial thought leaders that change the world through living their dreams. Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to #OCHackerKidz watch out!

HackForLA - Won first place for designing volunteer app at a Civic Hackathon

HackForLA - Won first place for designing volunteer app at a Civic Hackathon

Hardware Hack projects developed during #OCHackerz #OpenHack #Hackathon

Hardware Hack projects developed during #OCHackerz #OpenHack #Hackathon