Gave a talk to students at Coasline Community College about CyberSecurity, Hacker/Maker Movement and future career opportunities in technology

Gave a talk to students at Coasline Community College about CyberSecurity, Hacker/Maker Movement and future career opportunities in technology

Today I was invited to give a talk to 150+ college students at Coastline Community College on the topic of CyberSecurity. I highlighted a couple of different 'Hacking' techniques such as #SocialHacking to help them think outside the box and understand that security doesn't always revolve around technology. 

I had an opportunity to demo some of the innovative #opensource hardware technology that we were working on at OCHackerz to inspire them to learn more about potential career opportunities of the future. Judging by the intense Q & A session after, I feel they were really excited to explore this area further. Mission accomplished!

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Volunteering at Boys and Girls club Tustin

Fireside Chat with Co-Founders of #SnapJet sponsored by #OCHackerz #Elance and #Techspace