TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge 5.0 is a success amongst 8,000+ attendees..
For my 8th year, I volunteered another 40 hours assembling my team of volunteers, scheduling training and meetings, preparing equipment and logistics to host this years workshop, investing in the future of my students to understand and co-develop our community driven innovation hub TinyHackerHouse.
This video highlights the 7 hour workshop condensed into a 3min video facilitating for the 8,000+ attendees we anticipated this year in our classroom at UTAustin.
I hope these students reflect back one day and remember taking my Design Thinking workshop, remember the process and continue pursuing the ideas they started exploring in this exercise.
Personally I feel this process of Design and ideation will be one of the most valuable skills they will poses in their toolbelt as they tackle the world’s evolving challenges.
This year they 3dprinted prototype elements of their visions’ and I hope this seed is the foundation they continue to explore and question throughout their lives.
I’m excited for our next series of design build events and building this community in Austin, TX. Stay tuned for more..
TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge 5.0 #UTGirlday2024