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Community Living


This is an example of a series of TinyHouses as part of a connected community. The mission is to design an intentional community living space for Hackers and Makers to collaborate on projects.

I spent 4 weeks working with 18 high school students to build the TinyHackerHouse prototype

In 2016 I hired 18 interns from Hays High School in Austin, TX to help me with project TinyHackerHouse.

In 4 weeks, we toured numerous modern building structures, researched current energy efficient technologies, built a prototype, a business plan with legal considerations and produced this video encapsulating the value of our work. Excited about the next phase, building the full scale model. Click read more below to watch the video we made.

A 1/4 acre farm

A 1/4 acre farm will be developed to provide access to healthy organic food for the community to grow, research and automate using various advanced Internet of Things technologies.