TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge v2.0 builds an outdoor classroom at #girlday2018

TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge v2.0 builds an outdoor classroom at #girlday2018

Here's a quick recap of our event:

Thanks to our #partners @UTWEP @CockrellSchool @UTAustin for our 2nd year hosting the #TinyHouse #Design #Challenge.

If you would like to see the 2017 design challenge ideas, please click here:

2017 TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge v1.0

In less than 1 day we brainstormed ideas, designed #tinyhouses, researched #3dmodels and built a new #classroom outside.

It's amazing how much progress you can make when you apply the #Hacker / #Maker mindset! #GirlDay2018 #GirlsInSTEM

Below is my initial effort to explain the importance of this effort.

Co-Hosted Design Thinking workshop with Speculative Futures Meetup

Co-Hosted Design Thinking workshop with Speculative Futures Meetup

TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge at UTAustin #Girlday2018

TinyHackerHouse Design Challenge at UTAustin #Girlday2018